How To Spot A Fake Apple Watch – Everything You Need To Know

So you’re looking for advice on how to spot a fake Apple watch? Luckily the good people over at have created this awesome informative inforgraphic for you to take a look at.

There are tons of great tips to make you safer when buying online or anywhere else for that matter. Common differences between real and fake Apple watches include:

Size: Often the fake Apple watches are made to be bulkier and heavier.

Back of the watch: Checking on the inforgraphic you’ll see some common differences between the real & fake Apple watches.

Side of the watch: Even the crown has noticeable differences, real Apple watches use a digital crown whereas often on the fakes these are just standard crowns.

Watch Display: The display of a fake apple watch is typically much more reflective with poor resolution and the app images are just static photos.

Packaging: A real Apple watch has heavy expensive feeling packaging whereas most fakes will come in a cheap lightweight basic box

Watch Strap: Apple watches come with an interchangeable strap. You’ll notice on most fakes you won’t be able to do this and are stuck with the strap it came with.

Check through the inforgraphic below for all their tips to keep you safe when buying Apple watches online or in-store. Not quite what you’re after? Why not check out my top 100 watches under £500 for men! Or maybe even my top 21 under £200.